Home >About Us > Vigilance
  • The Vigilance department is set up in MDL as per the DPE (Department of Public Enterprises) guidelines for CPSE.
  • We take pride in affirming that the Vigilance activities in MDL are given high importance.
  • He Vigilance division is headed by Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO), who directly reports to the Chairman & Managing Director of the Company.
  • The Vigilance set up in MDL at present is as follows.
CVO Profile

Shri Hari Narayan Jangid has assumed the charge of Chief Vigilance Officer of Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd with effect from 3rd May 2024 under Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence. He is Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics & Communication and M. Tech. in Computer Science & Technology from IIT Roorkee (erstwhile University of Roorkee).

He is an Indian Telecommunication Services Officer of 1995 Batch and has gained vast and diverse experience in various domains of Telecom Management, IT Projects, Administration and Personnel. He has served in the state of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh & North East LSA of DOT mostly in vertical of transmission, Mobile, Rural Mobile coverage and IT project circle. He has been at pivot role as an administrator to build the Saral Sanchar Portal which caters all Licenses, Registrations and authorizations issued from DOT and Sanchar VHR portal which caters to Vigilance & HR functions of DOT.


Contact Details:
Tel: +91-22-2372-6082
Fax: +91-22-2377-8319
E-mail: cvo[at]mazdock[dot]com
Address: Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd.
North Block, Second Floor,
Vigilance Department,
Dockyard Road,
Mumbai – 400 010.

  • To eliminate or minimise factors which provide opportunity for corruption or malpractices in all functions of the organization through in depth examination/review of the policies and procedures.
  • Regular inspection and surprise checks in various processes/functions of the organisation to check quality and speed of work and compliance with the established norms and guidelines.
  • Monitoring and ensuring implementation of job rotation policy for sensitive posts.
  • Ensuring prompt observance of proper conduct, ethics relating to integrity among all employees.
  • Streaming investigation in order to give deterrence to the corrupt elements and to encourage honesty as a culture among the employees at all levels.
  • Conduct training programs for preventive and participative vigilance among the employees of the organisation.
  • Implementation of CVC guidelines in the interest of the organization.
  • Encourage team spirit, innovative ideas, system improvements and work with speed and quality towards transparent and accountable system.
CVC Act 2003

    The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) was set up by the Government of India in 1964 as per the recommendations of Santhanam Committee. CVC acts as an Apex Body for vigilance matters. It is a multimember body consisting of a Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) and two VC (Vigilance Commissioner). The CVC and VC are appointed by the President of Indiaon the recommendations of a committee consisting of the Prime Minister (Chairperson), the Minister of Home Affairs (Member) and the Leader of Opposition in the House of the People (Member).

    The Commission was accorded statutory status with effect from 25.8.1998.

    The CVC Bill was passed by both Houses of Parliament in 2003 and the President gave assent on 11th September 2003. Thus, the Central Vigilance Commission Act, 2003 (No.45 of 2003) came into effect from that date.

    CVC is not an investigation Agency. It works through either CBI or through Vigilance Departments of Organisations.

IP and IEM
  • Integrity Pact (IP) is aimed at preventing corruption and ensuring integrity in Public Procurement. The Central Vigilance Commission is the nodal authority for the implementation of IP in India.
  • Integrity Pact shall be applicable for procurements above Rs.2 Crores. The pact essentially envisages the agreement between prospective vendors/bidders and buyers committing the persons / officials of both the parties not to exercise any corrupt influence on any aspect of the contract. Only those vendors/bidders who enter into such an integrity pact with the buyer would be competent to participate in the bid.
  • The CVC has nominated Independent External Monitors (IEMs) to monitor implementation of IP.
  • (1) Shri P.V. Rao, IRS (Retd.)
    Plot No. 5, 8-2-603/B/S/1/5/A
    Road No. 10, Banjara Hills,
    Hyderabad, PIN: 500034.
    E mail ID : pasupuletirao[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
    Mob no. : +91-8985972323
    (Tenure of appointment: 15th April 2022 to 14th April 2025)

    (2) Shri M.N.Krishnamurthy IPS,(Retd.)
    3C-910,HRBR Layout,
    Kalyan Nagar,
    E mail ID : krishnamurthymn19[at]gmail[dot]com
    Mob no. : +91- 9591110000
    (Tenure of appointment: 01st May 2024 to 30th April 2027)

Policies and Guidelines
Register a Complaint
  • Register a Complaint by E-mail
  • A complaint registered by e-mail must contain name, postal address and contact details (phone no.) of the complainant.

    The complaint should be specific, brief and factual with verifiable facts supported by documentary evidences wherever possible.

    Complaints with irrelevant, vague, absurd or generalised allegations will be disposed at the discretion of the CVO.

    Anonymous / Pseudonymous complaints will not be considered for any action.

    (Ref. CVC Circular No.03/03/16 dated 07.03.2016)

    The complaint along with relevant documents wherever possible can be sent to the following E-mail ID: cvo[AT]mazdock[DOT]com

  • Register a Complaint by Post
  • A complaint can be registered by forwarding the complaint letter with supporting documents, if any, by post. A complaint registered by post must contain name, postal address and contact details (phone no.) of the complainant.

    The complaint should be specific, brief and factual with verifiable facts supported by documentary evidences wherever possible.

    Complaints with irrelevant, vague, absurd or generalised allegations will be disposed at the discretion of the CVO.

    Anonymous / Pseudonymous complaints will not be considered for any action.

    (Ref. CVC Circular No.03/03/16 dated 07.03.2016)

    Chief Vigilance Officer,
    Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited
    West Block, First Floor,
    Vigilance Department,
    Dockyard Road,
    Mumbai – 400 010.

  • Register a Complaint by Online
  • Click here
Vigilance Awareness Week
Systemic Reforms in MDL

As part of Preventive Vigilance measure, the Vigilance department suggests Systemic Improvements in the key functions/procedures of the organisation to prevent occurrence/recurrence of any irregularity and violation of the adopted regulations and policies.

The major Systemic Improvements suggested by Vigilance Department and Promulgated by management through CMD/Director’s circulars are as under.

Systemic Improvements implemented in MDL
Last Updated Date: 15/01/2025 14:55 PM
Related Details:
  • Tel: +91 22 2372 6082
  • Fax: +91 22 23778319
  • Email: cvo[at]mazdock[dot]com
  • Address: Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited.
  • North Block, Second Floor, Internet Department, Dockyard Road, Mumbai - 400 010.